Proteomics Services available at A* Star Research Support Centre
Autoantibody Biomarkers Discovery
Protein/RNA/DNA - Protein Interaction
Antibody Specificity and Cross Reactivity
Human Virome Profiling
Human Whole Peptides Profiling
Functional GPCR Membrane-embedded Microarray
Companion Diagnostics for Cancer and Autoimmune Drugs
Autoantibody-based Precision Immuno-Profiling and Therapeutics
Biologics-based Drug Co-Development
Neutralising Antibody Discovery
Small Molecules Drugs Discovery via GPCR Array

Our complete workflow covers a comprehensive range of products and services, comprising of life science kits and reagents focusing on proteomics, genomics, signalling pathways, molecular reference standards and instruments that include automated nucleic acid extraction and thermal cycler.
As your preferred partner for life science and biomedical research, we are dedicated to helping you get the best service and quality for your research outcome.
Antibody and Recombinant Proteins
Recombinant Proteins
Therapeutics application
Identify, Map and Gene Sequence
Cell Growth and Differentiation
Cell Signalling, Disease Onset and Progression
Western-Blotting (WB) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Flow Cytometry
Immuno- and functional assay
Western-Blotting (WB) and Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Fluorescent Conjugation
ELISA/ Multiplex Immunoassay/ Cell-Based Assay
Biomarkers Discovery and Validation
Antigens/Antibody Detection
Analytes Quantification, e.g. Peptides, Hormones, Antibodies and Antigens
Mechanism of Action for Therapeutics Agents
Pharmacodynamics Biomarkers
Target Engagement, Safety Evaluation and Mechanism of Resistant
schulke - Hand sanitisers, surface disinfectant, virucide
AGFA - Western Blot Film, X-ray Imaging Film
LipoSEARCH - Lipoproteins Profiling Service
Bio-Helix - DNA/Protein Ladders, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR Amplification, Transfection, Lab Consumables
MRC - Laboratory, Analytics Equipment
IHC World - Staining, Immunohistochemistry
EMS - Microscopy and Laboratory Equipment
CellVision - Hemocytomers
Biocolor - Biochemical Assay Kit, Extracellular Matrix Assay, Cell-Based Assay
Boster Bio - IHC, Western Blot, Customs Antibody
ALPHAGEN - EtBr Destroyer, Nucleic Acid Extraction
AAT Bioquest - Fluorescent Dyes, Bioconjugation, FRET, Peptide and Oligonucleotide Labeling, Tide Fluor Dyes and Kits and Tide Quencher Dyes